Allow me to present to the Phillies Phaitful the fresh new uniform addition that the NY Metropolitans will have for 2009. This awful image to the right is really what the Metropolitans intend to have on their jersey
sleeve this coming season...
Amatuerish? To say the least. How about that world class franchise across town? They are going to have a new ballpark as well. What might their patch look like? Have a glance...

Perhaps I have overreacted. I mean, maybe it is a beautiful logo and I am being too hasty. I mean, that fresh new design along with a microwave oven and an Atari video game console should really make ShitiField a nice place for the Mess to call home. Seriously though, the Metropolitans just continue to add to the list of reasons why they are lower class citizens in their city, their division and their sport.
Dear Mess, Here is the official PhoulBallz.com remix version of your sweet new sleeve patch. Use it with my greatest approval. No fee. Your immense awesomeness is payment enough. Thanks for being you.
Love, Jay Ballz

I'm glad it is today so I can unequivocably state - I HATE THE F------ METS!
Fine journalism, this is.