Can I get a show of hands....who is tired of Jimmy Rollins right now? In a room full of me, I see everyone's hands raised. The MVP, who last year won all of our hearts by being outspoken with his desire to win the National League east title, has turned many people off with his same big mouth. On Wednesday, August 13th, prior to the Phillies' game in Los Angeles, Rollins appeared on The Best Damn Sports Show Period and came down on the phans, when a host asked if the phans were as bad as they seem. Rollins called us "front runners". Well if we are phront runners, I suppose Rollins is not surprised that the crowds at CBP are not currently running with him. In 11 games since that statement, Rollins is 4-for-46 (that's a .087 batting avg) with 0 RBI and just 3 runs scored. This month, Rollins is batting .191. Is that poor? Of course, it is. But let's not forget the month of August that Jim-Roll had in 2005. Remember 2005, when Rollins finished the seaso...