On the 59th edition of the show, Jay chats with former big league All-Star Lance Parrish about coaching in the minors, his time with the Phillies and who helped him the most in his career. Tug and Jay also discuss the hot starts for Cameron Perkins, Carlos Tocci, Willians Astudillo and Koyie Hill. The guys also discuss Zach Green's injury, Jesse Biddle's improvements, Tug's blossoming friendship with Charlie Manuel and more.
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Despite info stated on the show asserting that Zach Green's reassignment to the extended spring training roster had him relocated to Florida with that actual team, it's simply a paper move and the youngster is still with his Lakewood teammates for the time being, according to a source. Details of Green's injury on the episode are accurate.
Use the media player below to stream the full episode, or simply download it by clicking HERE.
You can also check out previous episodes and subscribe on iTunes.
Despite info stated on the show asserting that Zach Green's reassignment to the extended spring training roster had him relocated to Florida with that actual team, it's simply a paper move and the youngster is still with his Lakewood teammates for the time being, according to a source. Details of Green's injury on the episode are accurate.