On the 75th edition of the PhoulBallz Podcast, Tug and Jay are joined by Phillies and minor league blogger "Baseball Betsy", who shares some stories about being an American parent to some of the Phils' up and coming Latin prospects and gives some updates on the likes of Perci Garner, Adam Morgan, Grenny Cumana and Carlos Alonso. Lefty hurler Hoby Milner takes time to answer Nine Silly-ass Questions. The guys also discuss the Phillies diving into the analytics era at long last, Kelly Dugan's injury, questionable Twitter etiquette and plenty more.
Use the media player below to stream the full episode, or simply download it by clicking HERE.
You can also check out previous episodes and subscribe on iTunes.
Additionally, thanks to the thousands of you for being part of the growing process as our previous episode featuring an interview with the aforementioned Alonso was our most downloaded episode ever.
Use the media player below to stream the full episode, or simply download it by clicking HERE.
You can also check out previous episodes and subscribe on iTunes.
Additionally, thanks to the thousands of you for being part of the growing process as our previous episode featuring an interview with the aforementioned Alonso was our most downloaded episode ever.